Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Kinds of sentence

Kinds of sentences

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Types of Sentences and the Effect of Punctuation

When students learn to write, they begin by learning about the four types of sentences and the role punctuation plays in determining and creating those different sentence types.
The four types of sentences in the English language include:
  • Declarative sentence
  • Imperative sentence
  • Interrogative sentence
  • Exclamatory sentence
And there are only three punctuation marks with which to end a sentence:
  • Period
  • Question mark
  • Exclamation point
Using different types of sentences and punctuation, students can vary the tone of their writing assignments and express a variety of thoughts and emotions.

Regular and Irregular verbs

Regular and irregular verbs

Image result for mind map for english grammar
An English verb can be regular or irregular. Regular verbs form their past and past participle forms by adding –ed.
Examples are given below.
Walk – walked – walked
Dance – danced – danced
Paint – painted – painted
Work – worked – worked
Irregular verbs form their past and past participle forms in different ways.
There are mainly three types of irregular verbs.
Verbs in which all the three forms are the same (e.g. put – put – put)
Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same (e.g. sit – sat – sat)
Verbs in which all three forms are different (e.g. drink – drank – drunk)
Some verbs can be both regular and irregular. Examples are:
Burn – burnt – burnt (irregular)
Burn – burned – burned (regular)
Dream – dreamt – dreamt (irregular)
Dream – dreamed – dreamed (regular)
Lean – lent – lent (irregular)
Lean – leaned – leaned (regular)

Understanding Disabilities

Image result for understanding disabilities

Inclusive Education

What is Inclusive Education?

Inclusive education means that all students attend and are welcomed by their neighbourhood schools in age-appropriate, regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the life of the school.
Inclusive education is about how we develop and design our schools, classrooms, programs and activities so that all students learn and participate together.
Neighbourhood schools are the heart of our communities, and Inclusion BC believes they are essential for a quality inclusive education system. Therefore we believe it is important to support a public education system in B.C.

Benefits of Inclusive Education

All children benefit from inclusive education. It allows them to:
  • Develop individual strengths and gifts, with high and appropriate expectations for each child.
  • Work on individual goals while participating in the life of the classroom with other students their own age.
  • Involve their parents in their education and in the activities of their local schools.
  • Foster a school culture of respect and belonging. Inclusive education provides opportunities to learn about and accept individual differences, lessening the impact of harassment and bullying.
  • Develop friendships with a wide variety of other children, each with their own individual needs and abilities.
  • Positively affect both their school and community to appreciate diversity and inclusion on a broader level.

Monday, 29 January 2018

sociology and education

1.2.1 What is Sociology?

We all have studied sociology little bit in bachelor programme in Education.Here we will refresh our knowledge. The word Sociology originates from latin prefix :socius, "companion"; and the suffix -ology, "the study of", from Greek lógos, "knowledge" .
Sociology is the systematic study of society.Sociology encompasses all the elements of society ie social relation, social stratification, social interaction, culture .Scope of sociology is wide and it ranges from the analysis of interaction of two anonymous persons to the global social interaction in global institution. like UNESCO UN etc.
Sociology can perhaps be best regarded as an attempt to name that which secretely keeps society going ( Whitty and Young,1976).
1.2.2 What is education?

We all have studied Education in details in bachelor programme in Education.Here we will refresh our knowledge. Education is a broad concept, referring to all the experiences in which learners can learn something.It is a social endeavor designed to get the maximum from the ability of each of the member of the society .Education is covers both the teaching and learning of knowledge, values. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills(communication,intellectual,specialized skills),advancement of knowledge and spreading of secular view(values).
Education consists of systematic instruction, teaching and training by professional teachers. This consists of the application of pedagogy.Teachers depends on many different disciplines for their lessons like psychology, philosophy, information technology, linguistics, biology, and sociology.
So far we have learned about the Education and Sociology and the concept of Sociology of education.Before we proceed further let us work out the following exercise.

learning by doing


Learning by doing refers to a theory of education expounded by American philosopher John Dewey. He theorized that learning should be relevant and practical, not just passive and theoretical. He implemented this idea by setting up theUniversity of Chicago Laboratory School.[1] His views have been important in establishing practices of progressive education.
"I believe that the school must represent present life – life as real and vital to the child as that which he carries on in the home, in the neighborhood, or on the playground."
— John Dewey (My Pedagogic Creed)
"… The teachers were to present real life problems to the children and then guide the students to solve the problem by providing them with a hands-on activity to learn the solution ... "Cooking and sewing was to be taught at school and be a routine. Reading, writing, and math was to be taught in the daily course of these routines. Building, cooking, and sewing had these schooling components in it and these activities also represented everyday life for the students.
— Peggy Hickman
He expanded upon these principles in Democracy and Education.

importance of physical education

Importance of Physical Education in High School

There are many benefits students receive from high school physical education classes that contribute to students becoming responsible adults who are aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. High school students retain a higher level of knowledge related to overall health that help them make educated decisions regarding their own health, safety and well-being.
Regular Fitness Activity
Physical fitness is an important component to leading a healthy lifestyle. The inclusion of regular fitness activity helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and improve cardiovascular health. A regular fitness activity improves the absorption of nutrients by the body, improves digestive processes and increases physiological processes.
Builds Self-Confidence
The participation in physical education in high school provides a positive influence on a student's personality, character and self-esteem. In addition, the team-building process enhances communication skills, and the skills required to get along and cooperate with students of varying ethnic backgrounds and personalities.
Develops Motor Skills
Physical education in high school is essential to the development of motor skills and the enhancement of reflexes. Hand-eye coordination is improved, as well as good body movements, which helps in the development of a healthy body posture.
Health and Nutrition
Physical education teaches students the importance of physical health. High school is an age where students misinterpret the meaning of "overweight" and eating disorders prevail. Physical health and education informs students on sound eating practices and the essential guidelines for nutrition.

surya namaskara

Surya Namaskara 

Surya Namaskara, or the Salutation of the Sun, which is very commonly practiced in most forms of yoga, originally evolved as a type of worship of Surya, the Vedic solar deity, by concentrating on the Sun for vitalization. The practice supports development of the koshas, or temporal sheaths, of the subtle body.[16]Main article: Surya Namaskara

The physical aspect of the practice 'links together' twelve asanas in a dynamically expressed series. A full round of Surya namaskara is considered to be two sets of the twelve asanas, with a change in the second set where the opposing leg is moved first. The asanas included in the sun salutation differ from tradition to tradition.[17]


The physical aspect of what is called yoga in recent years, the asanas, has been much popularized in the West due to the vast amount of benefits.[18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Physically, the practice of asanas is considered to:
  • improve flexibility[25][26]
  • improve strength[25][26]
  • improve balance[25][26]
  • reduce stress and anxiety[25][26]
  • reduce symptoms of lower back pain[25][26]
  • be beneficial for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)[25][26]
  • increase energy and decrease fatigue[25][26]
  • shorten labor and improve birth outcomes[26]
  • improve physical health and quality of life measures in the elderly[26]
  • improve diabetes management[27]
  • reduce sleep disturbances[25][28]
  • reduce hypertension[29][30]
  • improve blood circulation[31]
  • reduce weight[32][33]

Formative Vs Summative Assessments

A. Formative vs. Summative Assessments

Classroom assessments can include a wide range of options -- from recording anecdotal notes while observing a student to administering standardized tests. The options can be roughly divided into two categories -- formative assessments and summative assessments.

Formative assessments are on-going assessments, reviews, and observations in a classroom. Teachers use formative assessment to improve instructional methods and student feedback throughout the teaching and learning process. For example, if a teacher observes that some students do not grasp a concept, she or he can design a review activity or use a different instructional strategy. Likewise, students can monitor their progress with periodic quizzes and performance tasks. The results of formative assessments are used to modify and validate instruction.

Summative assessments are typically used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs and services at the end of an academic year or at a pre-determined time. The goal of summative assessments is to make a judgment of student competency after an instructional phase is complete. For example, in Florida, the FCAT is administered once a year -- it is a summative assessment to determine each student's ability at pre-determined points in time. Summative evaluations are used to determine if students have mastered specific competencies and to identify instructional areas that need additional attention.

Assessment for learning

Assessment for learning

  • comprises two phases—initial or diagnostic assessment and formative assessment
  • assessment can be based on a variety of information sources (e.g., portfolios, works in progress, teacher observation, conversation)
  • verbal or written feedback to the student is primarily descriptive and emphasizes strengths, identifies challenges, and points to next steps
  • as teachers check on understanding they adjust their instruction to keep students on track
  • no grades or scores are given - record-keeping is primarily anecdotal and descriptive
  • occurs throughout the learning process, from the outset of the course of study to the time of summative assessment